2007年度 学術交流支援資金 日本―フィンランド間3次元遠隔共同研究・共同作業プラットフォームによる、3次元マルチメディアオブジェクト共同創作・装飾システムの構築に関する研究 研究成果報告








  1. モバイル情報通信技術による3次元オブジェクト共有ソフトウェアへのアクセス・システムの基本設計と実現
  2. モバイル情報通信技術による3次元オブジェクト共有ソフトウェアへのアクセス・システムについての基本機能動作実験
  3. 遠隔地にあるユーザ間で、物理空間における配置・操作などをあたかも目の前にいるように運用することが可能となる相互対話的なサイバースペース機能を実現した。
  4. (b)3Dソフトウェアシステム上に、3Dオブジェクト編集、統合機能を構築した。
  5. 日本-フィンランド間の共同研究分野への適用実験を行い、3次元遠隔共同研究・共同作業サイバースペースの有効性を実証した。


  1. Yasushi Kiyoki and Minoru Kawamoto, ``Application of Semantic Associative Search and Space Integration Methods to Semantic Metrics of Multiple Medical Fields'', Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XVIII, pp.120-135, May 2007.
  2. Shiori Sasaki, Yasushi Kiyoki and Akutsu Hiroyasu, "An application of Semantic Information Retrieval System for International Relations," Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XVIII, pp.62-79, May 2007.
  3. Kosuke TAKANO and Yasushi KIYOKI, ``A Causality Computation Retrieval Method with Context Dependent Dynamics and Causal-Route Search Functions,'' Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XVIII, pp.186-205, May 2007.
  4. Yukiko Sone, Naofumi Yoshida and Yasushi Kiyoki, ``An Implementation Method for Semantic Document Search with Dynamic Relevance Routing by Hierarchical and Causal Relationships for Psychiatry,'' Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XVIII, pp.316-320, May 2007.
  5. Ryosuke Konishi, Yusuke Takahashi, Yasushi Kiyoki: Dynamic and Personalized Curriculum-Generation Method Analyzing Causality and Dependency between Learning Objects, The Third IEEE International Workshop on Databases for Next-Generation Researchers, in conjunction with ICDE 2007, 2007
  6. Hanako Kariya, Yasushi Kiyoki: Metadata Extraction and Retrieval Methods for Taste-impressions with Bio-sensing Technology, The 17th European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases,2007.
  7. Sasaki, H. and Kiyoki, Y.: "Theory and Implementation on Automatic Adaptive Metadata Generation for Image Retrieval," Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Vol. XVII , 2006.
  8. 河本穣, 清木康, 藤島清太郎, 相磯貞和, ``専門領域ドキュメント群を対象とした意味的連想検索空間の生成方式,'' 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, Vol.47, No.SIG19 (TOD32), pp.113-126, December 2006.
  9. Kosuke TAKANO and Yasushi KIYOKI, ``A Causality Computation Retrieval Method with Context Dependent Dynamics and Causal-Route Search Functions, '' 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, pp.204-223, 2006.
  10. Yukiko Sone, Naofumi Yoshida and Yasushi Kiyoki, ``An Implementation Method for Semantic Document Search with Dynamic Relevance Routing by Hierarchical and Causal Relationships for Psychiatry,'' 16th European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, pp.285-299, 2006.
  11. Tomomi Sasaki, Shiori Sasaki, and Yasushi Kiyoki: ``A Goal-Oriented Foreign Language Learning System with Semantic Information Filtering,'' The 10th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA2006), pp. 23 - 31, Aug. 2006.
  12. Fujiko Yara, Naofumi Yoshida, Shiori Sasaki, and Yasushi Kiyoki: ``A Continuous Media Data Rendering System for Visualizing Psychological Impression-Transition,'' The 10th IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA2006), pp. 32 - 40, Aug. 2006.
  13. S. Kurabayashi and Y. Kiyoki. An Adaptive Active Rule System for Automatic Service Discovery and Cooperation. In Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, 2006, 115—122.
  14. S. Imai, S. Kurabayashi, A. Ijichi, and Y. Kiyoki: “A Music Retrieval System Supporting Intuitive Visualization by the Color Sense of Tonality”. In Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, 2006, 153—159.
  15. 倉林修一, 清木康: “ECAルール・メタプログラミング機構を有するアクティブデータベースシステムの実現”, 日本データベース学会論文誌DBSJ Letters Vol.5, No.3, pp.5-8, 2007.


  1. Y. Kiyoki, Y. Hosokawa and N. Ishibashi: “A Metadatabase System Architecture for Integrating Heterogeneous Databases with Temporal and Spatial Operations”, Advanced Database Research and Development Series Vol. 10, Advances in Multimedia and Databases for the New Century, A Swiss/Japanese Perspective, pp.158—165, World Scientific Publishing, 2000.
  2. 石橋 直樹, 細川 宜秀, 清木 康: “時空間的文脈に応じた動的関連性計量機構を有する異種データベース間結合方式”, 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, Vol.43, No.SIG2(TOD13), pp.128—145, 2002.
  3. 清木康 他, “キャンパス間異種情報源を連結するマルチメディアデータベースサーチエンジンの研究”,報告書,2001年度森泰吉郎記念研究振興基金による研究助成プロジェクト科目助成B,2001.
  4. K.R. Dittrich, S. Gatziu and A. Geppert. The Active Database Management System Manifesto: A Rulebase of ADBMS Features. Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp.101?115.
  5. J. Widom and S.Ceri. Active Database Systems: Triggers and Rules for Advanced Database Processing. Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.
  6. G.Bultzingsloewen, A.Koschel, P.C.Lockemann and H.Walter, ECA Functionality in a Distributed Environment. in Active Rules in Database Systems Book, Springer-Verlag, 1999, 147?175.
  7. S. Kurabayashi and Y. Kiyoki. An Active Multidatabase System Architecture with an Aspect-Oriented Media Modelling Framework. Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases Vol.XVI, IOS Press, 2004, 89?106.
  8. S. Kurabayashi and Y. Kiyoki. Aspect-ARM: An Aspect-Oriented Active Rule System for Heterogeneous Multimedia Information. The Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE2004), Springer-Verlag, 2004, 659?667.
  9. S. Kurabayashi and Y. Kiyoki. An Adaptive Active Rule System for Automatic Service Discovery and Cooperation. In Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, 2006, 115—122.
  10. N. Miura, S. Kurabayashi, and Y. Kiyoki: “An Automatic Extraction Method of Time-Series Impression-Metadata for Color Information of Video Streams”. International Special Workshop on Databases For Next Generation Researchers (SWOD2005) in conjunction with ICDE2005, 2005, 54—57.
  11. S. Imai, S. Kurabayashi, A. Ijichi, and Y. Kiyoki: “A Music Retrieval System Supporting Intuitive Visualization by the Color Sense of Tonality”. In Proceedings of the 24th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, 2006, 153—159.