

研究課題名 会話に於ける情況編成と辻褄合わせの認知機制
氏名・所属 中村 太戯留 (政策メディア・研究科 後期博士課程)






 ここで、スペルベル・ウィルソン(1986: 147, 151)が示している《関連性》の定義を挙げておこう。

  1. 「ある想定がある文脈中で、何らかの文脈効果をもつとき、そしてそのときに限りその想定はその文脈中で関連性をもつ。」
  2. 「想定はある文脈中での文脈効果が大きいほど、その文脈中で関連性が高い。」
  3. 「想定はある文脈中でその処理に要する労力が小さいほど、その文脈中で関連性が高い。」



(認知科学会) (中村・田中, 1998)


"Metaphorical Interpretations and Second Language Acquisition"
(AILA 99:国際応用言語学会)(Nakamura, 1999) (8月に予定)

 This study is basically concerned with crosslinguistic semantics as being represented in second language learners. More specifically, we focus on how Japanese learners of English interpret metaphorical expressions in Japanese and English. As suggested by Black (1962), Lakoff (1987), and Johnson (1987), the basic structure of metaphorical expressions is A IS B as in "An argument is a war," "Love is a Journey," and "A theory is a building." The values of A and B are both nouns, and yet, the semantic structure of nouns differ in nature according to the type of nouns. This, in turn, implies that interpretations of metaphors differ depending on which nouns fill in the slots of A and B.

 In this study, we conduct two experiments. In experiment 1, we select four types of nouns: object nouns (e.g., apple), collective nouns (e.g., furniture), person nouns (e.g., businessman), and abstract nouns (e.g., justice). Association tests (using computers) are carried out with both Japanese nouns and their English equivalents in order to explore the semantic structure of each noun. The subjects are 90 university students, who are grouped into three English proficiency groups on the basis of the scores on TOEFL. In experiment 2, using the nouns in experiment 1, metaphorical expressions of A IS B (e.g., Businessmen are birds) are produced both in English and Japanese, and the same 90 students are to be asked to interpret each expression. Their interpretations are carefully examined with reference to the results in experiment 1.

 We discuss the results of this study, with reference to semantic transfer, prototype effects, and the process of sense-making.

"Context-dependency of sense-making: How is a verbal expression interpreted in context?"
(ICSS 99: 国際認知科学会)(Nakamura & Tanaka, 1999) (審査待ち)

 The purpose of this study is to show on an empirical basis how sense-making of verbal expressions co-occurs with context formation. In the first section, we would first to explain the theoretical framework assumed in this study and research questions. The second section describes the methods of this study, and the final section briefly shows the results and discussion.

 The questionnaire consisted of 10 cases. For each case, an utterance and its contextual information were give and then four questions were asked. The first three question (1-3) are presented in order to capture the on-going process of context formation. The same procedures were used for the remaining 9 cases. The questionnaire had two types (type A and Type B), of which the difference lied in the order of presenting contextual information. The questionnaire was presented on a computer screen. The subjects participated in this study were 252 university students in total. These subjects were divided two groups (126 for each group). Each group answered somewhat different questionnaire (either type A or type B).

 We discuss the results of this study: First, the interpretation of an utterance did change as contextual information was added successively. Overall, however, we found no cumulative effects on context formation. In other words, the subjects formed their own contexts every time a new piece of information was given.
 Second, we take a look at the interrelatedness of impression, influence, and personal relationship. The following results were obtained:

  1. Influence tends to be strong when the spontaneous impression is either positive or negative. It tends to be weak when the impression is neutral.
  2. If the impression about the partner is positive, the personal relationship tends to be perceived to be close, while the negative impression tends to create psychological distance.
 Third, a path analysis of the order of giving contextual information showed that the ordering had some effects on context formation and the interpretation of an utterance.
 And finally, there were some patterns in responding. If faced with conflicting situation, the subjects tended to employ a "play-it-safe" strategy.

Tagiru Nakamura (Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University)