2007年度 森泰吉郎記念研究振興基金






政策・メディア研究科修士課程2年 丸山洋平

80625261 marucom@sfc.keio.ac.jp




まず、人口学会第59回大会にて自由論題で発表を行った(2007610日)。タイトルは「「潜在的他出者」仮説の再検討 地域的差異とコーホート間差異に着目して」である。当日の配布資料を添付する。http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~marucom/2007gakkai.pdf

 この学会発表の内容に加筆した論文を『人口学研究』に投稿した(731日)。その結果、条件付き採用に相当する評価を頂いている。修正した原稿を212日に提出しており、20086月ごろに刊行の予定である。論文題目は「潜在的他出者仮説の再検討―地域的差異とコーホート間差異に着目して― Re-examining the “potential out-migrants” hypothesisFocusing on Differences among Regions and Cohorts―」である。










A huge population migrated from the non-metropolitan area to the metropolitan area after World War U in Japan. During the high economic growth period in the 1960s, the number of over in-migrants was about 400,000 every year in the three major megalopolises. However, its number reduced rapidly in the 1970s. This phenomenon is called the migration turnaround and it has not been clarified enough. The “potential out-migrants” hypothesis is one of the hypotheses of the migration turnaround and points out that the demographic transition causes the migration turnaround. This study aims at re-examining this hypothesis to clarify its validity and limitation by focusing on differences among regions and cohorts.

In this study, in six 5-year cohorts born in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, “Potential Successor” that means the remaining population scale and “Sufficiency of Successor” which is the rate of “Potential Successor” and cohort population are calculated. By Using “Sufficiency of Successor”, it is analyzed when and where population outflow exceeds “potential out-migrants” and how large its scale is. By improving “Potential Successor” with the concept of parents’ migration, it is analyzed how the concept influence on the validity of the hypothesis.

The main findings in the analysis are as follows;

l         The hypothesis is still valid, even if it is weaker for in four 5-year cohorts born in the 1940s and 1950s, but, it is not effective for two 5-year cohorts born in the 1960s.

l         The hypothesis loses its validity for the younger cohorts.

l         The difference of “Sufficiency of Successor” exists in the non-metropolitan area and especially population outflow exceeding “potential out-migrants” is large in Akita, Shimane, and Kagoshima.

l         As the result with the concept of parents’ migration, the validity of the hypothesis is grown up in three 5-year cohorts born in the 1940s and the first half of 1950s. But, the tendency that the “potential out-migrants” hypothesis loses its validity for the younger cohorts is strengthened.


This study clarifies the circumstances that are different from the content of the “potential out-migrants” hypothesis, and the reason that the hypothesis loses its validity is viewed from the reduction of employment in non-metropolitan area by industrial concentrating on metropolitan area and the regional characteristics of the family system. This study shows that establishing the migration theory, it is necessary to integrate the two perspectives, economic-component and cohort-component theories.