森泰吉郎記念研究振興基金 研究成果報告書



政策・メディア研究科 修士課程 1

川田 千尋






The Final Report: Taikichiro MoriMemorial Research Fund for academic year 2011

Possibility of cats management in the temporary housing

Chihiro Kawata



 Free roaming cats may be the support of sufferer from disaster in temporary housing. However, some people, for example, who have allergy to cats or don’t like cats, may get away from the damage and stress of cats. I asked people living in temporary housing about cats. I want to know whether the problem of cats can be solved by management of cats. I researched in Kesennuma ground temporary housing of Kesennuma City. Cats who live in near this temporary housing leave their excrement in this temporary housing, and some people send complaints about smell of excrement and hygiene to block associations. I visit to 42 rooms of south area in this temporary housing. 18 households of 42 rooms answer my questions about cats. My questions had 3 point. @How problem this person damaged from cats? AIs this person feeder or not? BHow about management of cats? 3 households didn’t damage from cats, and 13 households damaged from cats (scavenging garbage: 2, about excrements: 10, both of them: 1). Feeders are 3 families, they didn’t damage from cats. Complains are concentrated in one of housing, address 8-X. Other housing people didn’t think this problem serious. I found the key for solving these problems. 9 households of 13damaged households said “If feeders clean excrements, I will allow their feeding”. In next stage, I teach management of cats and check the smell and stress level of people.



1. Introduction/Background

Japanese Tohoku district damaged from the earthquakes in March 11, 2011. 19,503 people are dead or missing(警察庁, 2011/11/8 now), and 51,886 families live in temporary housing now(復興対策本部事務局, 2011/11/7 now). Some people have hurt in their hearts. One of healing for them is Animals.

Kobe City in Japan was hit by strong earthquake in 1995. After this earthquake, Kobe City allowed living with pet in all temporary housing of Kobe. This was Japanese Local Governments’ first effort about pets after disaster. Japanese Government set up the animal section in Japan Veterinary Medical Association after Tohoku earthquake 2011. Japanese Government have made effort about pets 10 years, but have not focused their telescope on temporary housing.

The problem of cat’s excrement smell is serious in general. Some people want healing from cats. Some people hate smell of excrements, and some people cat’s cry in heat. We must solve these problems.



. Purpose

Objective of this study is making environment which people can live with cats, not stress in temporary housing.

 I researched about problem of pets by hearing in Kesennuma City of Tohoku district from on May 2011. I knew one of temporary housing area have the problem of cats. In November 26 and 27, 2011, I asked people who live in temporary housing about cats for knowing 3 points.

@Checking on the damage.

AResearching feeling of the people who live in temporary housing.

BAbout management of cats.

In this research, I had consideration whether they can manage about cats, and sent result and suggestion for delegate of this temporary housing.



. Study Area

Figure1: Location of Kesennuma City


 I research the temporary housing of  Kesennuma Ground in Kesennuma City. Kesennuma City is City of fish processing in Miyagi prefecture(Figure1), and damaged from Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami 2011. 1,362 people are dead or missing(気仙沼市, 2012/1/26 now). I ask people about their pets in evacuation center in March 2011. Most of refugees’ pets lived in their cars in Kesennuma City. Some people threw away their cats on road because summer was coming and high temperature inside car is danger for pets. Why only cats? In Japan, cats allow free roaming on road, dogs can not. In June, refugees started to live in temporary housing. Kesennuma City made 3 rules about pets in temporary housing.

@Please get permission neighbors.

APlease keep pets inside your room.

BIf happen the problem about your pets, your pets will have to remove.

These rules are difficult keeping for cat owners because Kesennuma City is country area, and people have allowed free roaming for cats. They could not keep cats inside. I research 4 temporary housing in Kesennuma. Some people live with a dog, but no people live with cats. One of these temporary housings has the problem. This is Kesennuma ground. Some people start to feed cats who are maybe thrown away. Cats leave their excrements on road and flower bed in temporary housing area. This is the first time when they live in overcrowded area for most of them. They knew smell of cats’ excrements. Some people send complaints about smell of excrement and hygiene to block associations.

 In November 26 and 27, 2011, I asked people who live in temporary housing about cats. I allowed this research by association. I visit to 42 rooms of south area in this temporary housing (Red square of figure2).

Figure2: Area of reseach



. Result/Proposals

Figure3: Result of research


18 households of 42 rooms answer my questions about cats. In this time, I didn’t ask them about jobs and income because these questions maybe make stress for suffers. This date is holiday, and some households were male.

 3 households didn’t damage from cats, and 13 households damaged from cats (scavenging garbage: 2, about excrements: 10, both of them: 1). Feeders are 3 families, they didn’t damage from cats. Complains are concentrated in one of housing, address 8-X. Other housing people didn’t think this problem serious.

 2 household said “We can try to clean excrement of cats, and cats scattering garbage”. 9 households of 13 damaged households said “If feeders clean excrements, I will allow their feeding”. 3 households said “I want to become no cats”. I found the key for solving these problems. 9 households of 13 damaged households think about “Cats can live in this area, if they don’t damage me”. All household said that we don’t solve this problem killing cats because cats sufferer too, and feeder make effort to solve this problem. For example, one of feeder made toilet for cats, but located of this toilet is so bad because smell can go to other room. They need specialty advice.

 I thought that they can solve this problem by management of cats, if give them easy special knowledge. I will try to teach management of cat next stage. There is many way of management of cat in Japan and World, I will choose some successful way of making and locating toilet, not scavenging garbage, and against allergy etc. I will check the smell and stress level of people, and analyze relationship between the management and effect.



. Conclusion

 People who want healing from cats feed cats in Kesennuma temporary housing area after disaster, but it is problem for some people in same temporary housing. They may live in temporary housing with cats and without problem of cats by easy management of cats. In November 26 and 27, 2011, I research the temporary housing of Kesennuma Ground in Kesennuma City. I asked people who live in temporary housing about cats for knowing 3 points. @Checking on the damage. AResearching feeling of the people who live in temporary housing. BAbout management of cats. Some household thought this problem seriously, but most of household thought that cats can live in this area, if they don’t damage sufferer. I sent this result and suggestion for delegate of this temporary housing. I will try to teach management of cat next stage. I will check the smell and stress level of people, and analyze relationship between the management and effect.


Special Thanks

  In this research, I’m helped by many citizens in Kesennuma City. I thank all you very mach. I send especially thanks for Mr. Sato who is the delegate of Kesennuma ground temporary housing.

  In this report, I used advice by Pro. Lynn Thiesmeyer, and classmates in last class. Thanks Professor and All Classmates!




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