Human Insecurity Issues of Migrant Workers' Left-Behind Children in Rural China

Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Graduate School of Media and Governance, HC Program, Second year student Ѧ¿¡½Ü

Progress: during this fieldwork in Beijing and Dalian, 40 questionnaires for evaluating left-behind children¡¯s situation have been answered by various informants in both cities. 10 in-depth interviews, which lasted at least for 30 minutes have been delivered with designed questions. Two educational officials and six teachers in Beijing and Dalian public schools have also been interviewed for collecting official information. There are also visual materials, such as one video about the left-behind child having English listen and dozens of pictures about how does their lives look like without their parents.


1.     The psychological problem such as loneliness and lack of self-confidence seems more server than physical problems at most of the places I have been to.

2.     The root of this problem is the spatial separation between the parents and the left behind children, which cannot be solved in the near future since the mature economic structure and the job opportunity distribution.

3.     Government involvements played a vital role in enhancing the physical situation of the left behind children, however, lack of awareness about how to build an effective channel between the parents and their children.