A platform for industry-academia-government collaboration to bring about open innovation
The Keio SFC Research Institute is a leading platform for bringing about innovation and creating a new future through interactions among diverse ranges of knowledge from within Japan and from overseas.
Since its establishment in 1990, Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) has advocated for a “campus that creates the future,” leading the way to “restructure knowledge” by positioning “identifying problems and finding solutions” as its core principle, unconstrained by conventional academic disciplines.
The Keio SFC Research Institute was established in 1996. In its capacity as an academic entity and research institute affiliated with the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Graduate School of Healch Management, Faculty of Policy Management, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care, the institute serves as a platform for promoting advanced research activities and collaborative initiatives involving the community and local regions at SFC. In 2021, the institute will have more than 40 laboratories (transdisciplinary research groups with advanced research missions) and more than 30 SFC research consortiums (joint research deployed by the Keio SFC Research Institute in conjunction with a number of external organizations), and together with approximately 500 senior and guest researchers from various industries, government, and academia, aims to develop unique research to create a vital society. In this manner, the Keio SFC Research Institute has an impressive wealth of experience and track record in the creation of pioneering knowledge through collaborations among industry, government, and academia.
In addition, it has a full range of programs that provide both material and psychological support for those intent on embarking on the journey onwards, such as starting a business or practical applications stemming from their research outcomes. For example, the Keio Fujisawa Innovation Village (SFC-IV) provides office space for entrepreneurs and venture companies, offering various support and services for creating new businesses. The profusion of entrepreneurs, in both for-profit and not-for-profit fields, who have emerged and thrived are one testament to this support.
In this way, SFC has at its disposal an infrastructure of frameworks and ecosystems to create new knowledge and give back to society through these outcomes. We can justifiably claim to foster a culture of sharing the “fun”: an important driver of new innovation.
In his book “Gakumon no susume (An Encouragement of Learning),” Yukichi Fukuzawa wrote, “The essence of learning lies rather in its practical consequences, without which learning is still ignorance.” (Section twelve) With the spirit of translating one’s principles into practice and creating a history to define the future, we will continue to pursue learning of practical consequence. We will, moreover, take up this gauntlet of creating a brighter future together with all of you, based on our constant aspiration of continuing to move forward. To achieve all this, we would greatly appreciate your continued understanding and support.
Yoshinori Isagai
Executive Director,
Keio Research Institute at SFC