Campus Emergence Consortium
The Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus started a new campus plan in FY2015 under the name “Student-Build Campus” (SBC). This plan portrayed the “Miraisozojuku” with the aim of creating a new campus for the future. The SBC will be mainly implemented in the East Zone at the Miraisozojuku, and one characteristic feature of the SBC is that it will have students, alumni, and faculty members get involved independently to create a campus for new residential education and research, something which the SFC is aiming to accomplish. In addition, the SBC is using the current educational & research programs in SFC as a base as it aims to open up new domains required in the future. The SBC will become a test site for advanced education & research at the SFC, and is expected to conduct a variety of emergent research that straddles many fields that can be disseminated around the world.
Hence, a new consortium (the Campus Emergence Consortium) will be established in the Keio Research Institute at SFC to conduct emergent research promoting new campus plans that include the Miraisozojuku SBC. The consortium will aim to become a hub for exploring new fields while cooperating with companies, the government, etc. Here, many faculty members within the SFC will participate in research, and the consortium will create opportunities for students to experience new education & research by cooperating in activities both within and outside that research society. Additionally, the consortium will also arrange new research opportunities with companies and the government, and foster researchers who promote education & research related to the SBC and other campus plans. Furthermore, the Campus Emergence Consortium will be positioned as the parent organization that takes initiative when designs and technologies developed within the SBC, etc., should be secured as intellectual property of Keio University.
This consortium will be used to: (1) develop techniques and building construction methods for students, alumni, and faculty members to draw up campus plans by themselves, (2) verify educational effects and changes in students and faculty members through residential education (a way to use time differently than how it’s used normally in classes and research), and (3) in association with the above, explore the possible emergence of research that transcends domains by realizing residential education and research. Through these, the Campus Emergence Consortium will methodize how the residential education and research campus will be created, and clarify the effects and significance of the campus.
(Resulting new domains & fields expected from residential education)
New manufacturing methods based on living environments, human resources development based on exchanges between alumni and students, the development of construction methods that are suitable for self-built models, the development of communication tools based on food & new technology, joint research in cooperation with local communities, etc.
Outline of research activity plans
- Practice of residential education & verification of its effects using residential facility 1 & DFF-W
- Implementation of project “MySemi” through collaboration between alumni and students while staying in the facility
- Searching for residential education themed around food and region, formulation of second stage architectural plans and operation methods
- Examination of third stage usage patterns & formulation of architectural plans
Researchers, managers and professors
Hiroto KobayashiDirector | Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance |
Jun Murai | Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
Tomoyuki Furutani | Professor, Faculty of Policy Management |
Fumitoshi Kato | Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
Yoko Hasebe | Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
Takashi Iba | Professor, Faculty of Policy Management |
Shohei Matsukawa | Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies |
Yutaro Muraji | Project Research Associate, Graduate School of Media and Governance |