Learning and Education Lab in Society 5.0

Kan Hiroshi SUZUKI
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus ε309


The era of Society 5.0 points to and advocates the advent of a society where advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics are further enhanced and implemented into our industries and social lives, thereby changing the ways of our society in such a dramatic way as to seem to have happened in a disruptive manner. In June 2018, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced the “Human Resources Development for Society 5.0 – Changes to Society, Changes to Learning.” And in this current situation where there are dynamic changes underway in the ideal human resources and the types of people that are needed in Society 5.0, this laboratory will conduct research, develop human resources, and disseminate information that will lead to the development of new ways of learning and to a transformation in the ways of education. The main goals of this laboratory over a three-year period are as follows.


First, what is needed especially at this moment is to provide each and every student with places and opportunities to envision their future role within Society 5.0, and be able to study what they need to learn in an active manner to achieve that vision. We need to transition from an educational practice where students learn only at schools in a one-sided manner from their teachers, to an educational environment where the main way of studying would be for the students to discover their own answers on their own initiative from a diverse choice of learning opportunities. To enable this, each student must be able to further their studies in accordance to their interests through an “open society curriculum.” This curriculum would offer diverse places of learning that include not only schools but also the local communities as well as private businesses, NPOs, and higher-level educational institutions, thus enabling students to further their studies while interacting with people of different ages and of different backgrounds. Based on this perspective, our goal is to conduct research and provide assistance toward practical implementation related to “nurturing active learners by promoting My Projects and PBL” that play a leading role toward achieving these educational activities. (Related to Unit 1)


Secondly, based on the development of advanced technologies such as AI, students in Society 5.0 will be able to free themselves from the confines of a classroom where everyone learns in the same manner all at once, to an educational style where students are given a solid understanding about foundational academic skills such as reading comprehension, and receive not only schooling that is consistent with everyone in the same school grade, but also gain opportunities to study in accordance to the individual’s level of progress, capabilities and interests. Students would be able to expand into conducting collaborative studies with groups of students of different ages and school grades in accordance to their academic history, level of academic achievements and academic issues. And as we implement such changes, it would become necessary to redefine and rebuild the significance of schools and teachers that we’ve had up until now. Based on this perspective, our goal is to conduct research and implement practical assistance related to “achieving learning opportunities that are optimized for each individual in a fair manner by utilizing advanced technologies including AI” and “making new efforts to re-design schools and teachers.” (Related to Unit 2)


Thirdly, in order to develop the types of human resources that are needed in Society 5.0—the types of people that would discover and create dynamic knowledge which would become the catalyst for technological innovations and value creations, people who would create platforms and connect technological innovations with social issues, and people who would be able to make maximum use of the power of AI and big data by utilizing them in diverse fields—what is desired is to free ourselves from the current dichotomy between humanities and sciences as seen in many high schools and universities (excluding SFC and some other exceptions), and reform these high schools and universities into institutions that study both humanities and sciences. Based on this perspective, our goal is to conduct research and provide assistance toward practical implementation related to “reforming high schools and universities with the aim of breaking away from the dichotomy of humanities and sciences.” (Related to Unit 3)


Fourthly, in order to realize a learning environment that is optimized toward each individual, we must provide solid support in particular to children who need assistance with their studies. For example, we need to give linguistic and educational support to children with developmental disorder or hearing impairments, as well as to children with non-Japanese roots of whom there will probably be more of in the future, so that such children would be able to envision their role and be active members within the Japanese society. Based on this perspective, our goal is to conduct research related to developing assessment methods that would measure the Japanese language proficiency and thinking abilities of children with foreign roots and of those with special needs, and practical implementation of efforts to improve such children’s linguistic and academic proficiencies. (Related to Unit 4)


This laboratory will collaborate not only with researchers but also teachers who work at educational institutions, school administrators, and those affiliated with non- and for-profit organizations related to education, and strive in our efforts with a focus on conducting collaborative research, developing human resources, and disseminating information.


Note: Society 5.0 refers to an anthropocentric society that achieves economic development and resolves social issues by mixing together the cyber realm (virtual space) and the physical realm (actual space) at an advanced level. The aim with Society 5.0 is to create a new society that follows after the hunting society (Society 1.0), agricultural society (Society 2.0), industrial society (Society 3.0), and information society (Society 4.0). The concept of Society 5.0 was promoted for the first time in Japan’s 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan as the future shape of society that Japan should aim for. / PBL refers to problem-based learning, and My Project refers to a practical exploratory learning program.


■Outline of Research Activity Plan


・ Co-host the national high school My Project award

・ Operate an online salon for affiliated persons working on site



・ Conduct collaborative research with business companies

・ Conduct study sessions



・ Conduct study sessions for university administrators



・ Develop, revise, distribute, and modify the assessment system

Researchers, managers and professors

Kan Hiroshi SUZUKI Director Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Kumi Imamura Guest Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Kazuto Ataka Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Hideyuki Inoue Guest Associate Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Takashi Iba Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Mutsumi Imai Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Tomoko Kanasugi Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Policy Management
Shinya Sakuma Project Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Hiroya Tanaka Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Yuko Toukairin Associate Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Makiko Nakamuro Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Takeshi Natsuno Guest Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Yoko Hasebe Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Naohisa Yahagi Associate Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Masaki Umejima Project Associate Professor
Rieko Machizuka Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC

(Unit 1) Developing active learners by promoting My Project and PBL
Keywords: My Project, PBL, having the sense and skills to discover and generate value, having a sense of curiosity and a spirit of inquiry, developing human resources who are able to study about the positive aspects of the neighborhood and give support to the community 

・Project executive:Kumi Imamura
Guest Professor, Faculty of Policy Management

(Unit 2) Realizing a way of learning that is optimized for the individual in a fair manner by utilizing advanced technologies including AI, and redesigning new schools and teachers
Keywords: Learning opportunities that are optimized for the individual in a fair manner, portfolios for learning, utilization of the advanced technology EdTech, collecting and analyzing educational big data, study log

・Project executive:Kan Hiroshi SUZUKI
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management

(Unit 3) Reforming high schools and universities to break away from the dichotomy of humanities and sciences
Keywords: Breaking away from the dichotomy of humanities and sciences, reforming the selection process of admission candidates, reforming the curriculums at high schools and universities, interdisciplinary project-type education in collaboration with private businesses and communities

・Project executive:Kan Hiroshi SUZUKI
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management

(Unit 4) Providing means of assessment and educational assistance to children who require linguistic and academic support, such as those with developmental disorders, hearing impairments, and children with non-Japanese roots

・Project executive:Mutsumi Imai
Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
