Food Design Laboratory

* This laboratory has been completed.

Date of establishmentAugust 1, 2012
Masatoshi Tamamura
Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management


In this laboratory, we conduct research and development activities, focusing on the function of the media (which accumulate, communicate and connect values) associated with “food.” This is done through a practical approach (food design), for the purpose of designing “things, events and relationships,” based on the historical and cultural backgrounds related to the target challenges and areas. These challenges include diversified and complicated regional conditions, regional industrial development, and relationship building between corporations and clients, which are usually difficult to solve through the actions of a sole actor. The areas discussed here are those with values that could be enhanced through collaboration and conjugation. We try to leverage the characteristics of “food” as they often have a special role, allowing a wide variety of actors to be involved and take advantage of their own expertise and experience. Consequently, we aim to bring about innovation, through the promotion of new type of marriage of diversified values in terms of society, regions and economy.

In addition to these research and development activities, we will provide opportunities to share or send out information to those who work closely in the area of food design both overseas and in Japan. Through this, we will promote a synergy among the various participants involved and popularize “food design” as a method of problem solving.

Outline of Research Activity Plan (First Year)

The first year will be the time to establish an activity foundation as a laboratory. We will promote practical research into regional support and academic-industrial collaborations, based on our past achievements in research and development, and also work on investigative research into the current situation in the field of food design.

  1. Research into the enhancement of regional dynamics, using food design
    We will consolidate a promotion system for a research project under the theme of enhancement of regional dynamics, focusing on food. This will be based on an actual case conducted in Nagasaki Prefecture, which was a support project to enhance regional dynamics using regional strength.
  2. Practical research into food design focusing on “water”
    We will work on the proposal and implementation of regional activation measures with consideration given to culture and history, focusing on “water,” which is essential for regional resources, agricultural products and food.
  3. Practical research into food design through cooperation and collaboration with corporations
    We will establish a system to promote food experience design, prototyping and test marketing, through food branding support, product development and marketing model building. This will be achieved through collaboration with food-related corporations, including those involved in retailing, distribution, catering and marketing.
  4. Practical research into marketing through provision of opportunities associated with food
    We will consolidate a system to promote research and development activities with regard to the establishment and assessment of food-related opportunities, focusing on the role of “food” to provide experience opportunities. These opportunities could be ones with regional characteristics, including local farm stands, exchange centers, and food education, and also those designed to solve regional problems. We will work on this based on research into precedent cases.
  5. Research related to actual practices related to food design
    We will conduct research into actual leading-edge projects of food and regional design both overseas and in Japan, through collaborations with a number of organizations, including an NPO, Food Designers Network, which has been engaged in activities in the area of food design. Through this effort, we will put together information concerning the current situations and distribute the relevant information.

Researchers, managers and professors

Masatoshi TamamuraDirector Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Food design related to social marketing and social brand development
Atsushi Shinjo Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Food design related to local industries, ICT, and health science
Tomoyuki Furutani Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Food design related to visualization of the value of food
Yoshinori Isagai Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Food design related to urban development
Yuichiro Shimizu Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Food design related to local community and history
Tomohiro Ichinose Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Food design related to rural planning
Naoto Nakajima Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Food design related to the cultural landscape
Takeshi Takahashi Project Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Food design related to regional activation
Ryo Yoshitomi Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
Food design related to food-related community development
Haruna Nakayama Senior Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
Food design as media