Mieru-ka Laboratory

* This laboratory has been completed.

Date of establishmentSeptember 1, 2008
Tomoyuki Furutani
Keio University Shonan-Fujisawa Campus iota Building 205


“Mieru-ka” means to make on-site problems visible, exchange information about those problems with the goal of engaging in initiatives to solve the problems through the combined wisdom of individuals on-site; in essence it places importance on “showing” over “looking.” In the field of business administration, “Mieru-ka” measures have yielded positive results in improving problem solving skills and on-the-spot capabilities; however, the same cannot be said for improving problem solving skills and regional capabilities in the community such as in local municipalities through Mieru-ka.

Here, laboratory members develop methodologies and build research networks via this Mieru-ka system to identify and solve various regional problems that face Japan’s cities and communities without restricting themselves just to their field of expertise. We develop methodologies to develop creativity techniques in social practice and knowledge skills while establishing satellite offices in areas that are the subject of our research, and use those results in educational research in SFC.

Outline of Research Activities Plan

Food Safety Research

  • Examine Miyakojima regional strategies which center around agriculture, environment and tourism. Above all, after constructing a safe and sustainable regional agricultural system using ICT under the theme of “Information Disclosure Regarding Food,” engage in initiatives such as providing information on food safety, and developing tourism and landscape plans.
  • Using Kyoto vegetables as the object of study, establish a business model for PB vegetables, construct a new project model to promote regional invigoration, and from there empirically verify its effectiveness and problems.

Medical Care and Welfare Research

  • Build a system to help induce awareness at the health care workplace by combining IT with health care workplace know-how. By combining the rich knowledge and technology of IT utilizations possessed by Keio University with the Care Plan Development Sheet and the know-how involved in its implementation, reduce workload and create a more effective care plan.
  • Conduct research geared toward the actualization of reforms.
  • Using Sakima Gishi Works’ CB brace, conduct an analysis of operations and develop more efficient operation processes in accordance with engineers’ experience, which is deemed necessity for proliferating the design and manufacture of order made joint support apparatus, as well as lay the foundation for the proliferation of the technology and empirically verify its effectiveness and problems.

Researchers, managers and professors

Tomoyuki FurutaniDirector Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Masatoshi Tamamura Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
Atsushi Shinjo Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
Takashi Iba Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Management